Buzan Brain Training & Mind Mapping
In today’s busy lifestyle it seems there’s an app for almost everything. And yes, sometimes that can be convenient.
But as apps and technology take over many of the basic functions in our everyday lives, have you ever wondered just what it is that technology is replacing?
Short answer: Natural Brain Power.
Quick challenge – when did your brain actively or consciously do something without the assistance or support of an app, technology, or artificial intelligence?
Here’s a couple of examples: When did you last add up the purchases at the checkout before paying? When did you last remember the correct spelling of a word without googling it?
Another challenge – let’s all use our human intelligence, our Natural Brain Power, and our lived experiences, knowledge, and understanding of the world around us more instead of relying on apps, technology, and artificial intelligence just to get through a normal work or school day.
How? Boost your Natural Brain Power with Mind Mapping skills.
Mind Mapping, using a four-colour pen and a sheet of A4 paper, (not technology or an app), trains our brain to draw out our existing knowledge, experience and understanding to create attractive and stimulating notes on any topic.
And as we do this, Mind Mapping assists in organising our responses, thoughts, and ideas into a logical order for better understanding of this existing knowledge.
Because we are surrounded by information, our brain will trap or record interesting facts whether we realise it or not.
Most of the time we let all kinds of knowledge rest comfortably in the brain without referring to or using it.
Then, when we are asked or need to know something about a topic, we panic and turn to a device, an app, or technology, ignoring the amazing power of our incredible brain.
Mind Mapping also helps us identify any obvious gaps in our knowledge, helping us to decide exactly what it is that we now need to learn about the topic.
And that’s when we can confidently turn to technology, artificial intelligence, or a specific app – because we know what we want to find out.
This means we are controlling technology rather than it controlling us and our lives.
It also means that we are further developing our Natural Brain Power.
Buzan Mind Mapping is a proven method for successful note-taking and note-making, revision and studying, and assignment or project preparation.
Nerelie has presented Mind Mapping workshops at state, national and international conferences as well as at schools and colleges in Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria.
Contact her to learn how a Mind Mapping workshop can boost Natural Brain Power in your school, college, workplace, or community group.